Friday, May 10, 2013

Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

This week in my Technology for Education class, we have been discussing Digital Citizenship. Although I have heard the definition of it before presented in many different ways, I have never actually used the term "Digital Citizenship". Defined as "the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use" (Ribble) a digital citizen uses technology safely, responsibly, critically, and proactively.

Elementary school students have probably had exposure to technology for a large portion of their lives, and even if they haven't they need to become aware of what is expected of them as a digital citizen. In the third grade, students are constantly searching the Internet and they probably have access to a variety of tools such as cellphones, iPads, iPods, computers and the social networking sites that can be accessed on any of these devices. A good digital citizen keeps in mind their "digital footprints" that they leave whenever they post or share anything on the Internet. They should also think critically about any impolite or rude comments that they post can be seen by anyone and could lead to cyber bullying. Information that is placed on the Internet can be accessed by anyone so it is important to remember to be proactive and think about their safety and keep secret information private.

There are a variety of resources available to teachers to teach students about digital citizenship. YouTube is a popular site that shares videos containing information on just about any topic, and there are websites specifically designated to teaching digital citizenship to children in the Early Childhood Environment. When accessing these sites, remember to keep your self safe and secure and keep in mind your digital footprint!

Check out my Prezi to learn more about Internet Safety!

*Works Cited